That's me. I'm a swedish musician, sailor and video creator. And a father of two wonderful teenage boys.

I'm also the captain of the star of She Rules The Waves: Sedna

I started SRTW youtube channel as an outlet for my supressed creative needs, when all traveling, shows and tours got cancelled due to the pandemic. I dream of a blue water capable live aboard sailboat and now I've found her!

Lots of work to do, but the adventure is on!

You can see more about me in the episode "So... Who is this dude anyway?" S1 / #4

Sedna is named after the Inuit godess of the sea and marine mammals.
More about that in: "So... The legend of Sedna" S2 / #2

She's an Olympic 42 Ketch. Designed by the legendary Ted Brewer and built by Olympic Marine in Greece in 1976. 

She's in structural great shape, but has been lying still for a few years, waiting for her new faith. My goal is to sail her home and then spend some time upgrading her for full time live aboard travels.

You can see how I found her in the episodes "So... The hunt is on" S1 / #27 and the folling two episodes.

A lot of people have been sailing with me on my former boat, but I'll make presentation of all the crew members along the way.

If you want to be part of the crew, you can check out Patreon.