I once owned a MacGregor 26S called "Alva" (shes now remebered as "Alva 1", since i later bought "Alva 2", the famous Scanmar 33 that got this whole youtube-adventure started). 

"Alva 1" had an outboard engine that I instantly replaced with an electrid engine. And since then, I've dreamed of having electric propulsion on all my boats.

But to replace a big ass engine like Sedna's Volvo Penta MD21 (called Tomasso), you need something pretty hefty. And it's quite the investment...

The dream is to find, or possibly build, a 48v electric engine of around 30kw

I'm also considering an alternative: installing two pods, one on each side of the boat. The idea is that each motor can be smaller, but that this solution would increas the manouverability: What do you think about that?  

I'm also looking into the possibilities of fuel cell charging solutions.

Do you want to help me reach that goal? Here's a few possible ways how:

1. Visit the gofundme page (under construction)

2. Become a Patreon and contribute that way

3. Donate through PayPal

4. You are an expert on electric propulsion and wants to help out by emailing me your idea/offer.

Electrifying the dinghy, the galley and (part of) the heating system is also in the works.

I'm of course open to other ideas too, so let me know what you think!